Mendi Neurofeedback Device Review

What is the Mendi neurofeedback device?

Mendi is a functional near-infrared spectroscopy, or fNIRS device, that measures changes in blood oxygenation levels in the brain. The device connects to their app, where you are able to visualize your progress as you train your brain. This is done by the sensor of the Mendi device, which is placed on the forehead above the eyebrows, allowing for measurement of the neural activity of the prefrontal cortex, or PFC. The PFC is the front part of your brain that controls executive functions, including behavior, planning, and attention functions. Read more below to see how the PFC controls these executive functions:

  • Controlling impulses

    Delaying instant gratification

    Identifying rewards and consequences of your behavior

    Changing your behavior with situations change

  • Planning and decision making

    Making your long-term goals

    Balancing your short-term rewards with your future goals

  • Focusing your attention

    Solving problems

    Ability to consider many streams of information at a time

If you're like me and read the list of executive functions that the PFC controls and thought, " It is just so difficult to control my impulses or pay attention for long periods of time, " then I invite you to consider that it is possible for you to improve your control of behavior, planning, and attention span. I find that being receptive to the possibility that you can take control of your mind yields far greater results than remaining stuck in disbelief that you are not capable. By using Mendi, your brain can receive the benefits directly as a result of the training and maintain or improve them over time!

Benefits of using the Mendi device

Neurofeedback devices are tools often used in educational, research, or therapy settings to measure the brainwave activity of a user. While it can sometimes be costly or time-consuming to visit a clinic where neurofeedback devices are utilized, Mendi has made them affordable and easy to use wherever you chose to take it! Monitoring biofeedback can help you self-regulate and improve your brain function. There are many benefits from regular use of Mendi, such as:

- Improvement of executive function.

- Enhanced cognitive performance.

- Improved emotional regulation.

- Reduction in risk of mental health concerns.

- Enhanced neuroplasticity.

To maximize the benefits of using Mendi, I recommend following the instructions provided within the app. These instructions are easy to follow and help create a routine that is conducive to improving results over time. I personally find the instructions helpful in building the habit of using Mendi mindfully and alongside my personal intention to improve my brain health and proactively maintain wellness.

What I love about Mendi

Ease of use with the Mendi device and app

Turning on the device is quick and straightforward with one push of the button on the side of the Mendi headset. Once the light illuminates, it is ready for use. From there, you would pair the Mendi device to your phone via Bluetooth and open the Mendi app to start a session. At the end of your session, you can read the results collected, such as your neural activity, length of session, time in control during the session, and oxygenation of your PFC. You can also compare your results to your history of previous results and see your changes over time.

Gamification of brain health

The Mendi app has a calming aesthetic with a pleasant color pallet. Some settings within the app can be adjusted to your preference, such as session durations ranging from 3 to 15 minutes, two different inter-session soundscapes, and two different ‘star’ sounds. Instructions are easy to access before starting a session if you need reminders to improve your score and outcome. Once you start a training session, there is a fun space-like theme that is easy to understand. When your attention and focus are sustained within a session, you are rewarded with ‘stars’ that appear on the screen that make a sound reminding you of your progress. Additional game session settings can be customized to benefit your personal attention and learning style better!


The Mendi device is a one-time cost, and the app is free to use with the device! There is no recurring subscription needed to continue using the Mendi app. The Mendi device can also be shared with multiple users, which is convenient if you have other friends, family, or loved ones in the home who would also like to use it! Mendi can be and is recommended to be used by anyone ages 5+ with an accommodating, easily adjustable headband, and yes, I tested it on my 5-year-old son, who loves Mendi just as much as I do! In addition, I am filled with gratitude to be able to extend a special discount to my friends, family, and followers who would like to make their first purchase with Mendi! Just click the text link below and use the code MONIQUE to receive 20% off your first purchase!

Are you interested in Mendi and the benefits this neurofeedback device offers? Do you have any questions about the Mendi device or app that you would love for me to answer? Share what you would like to learn more about in the comments below and join the conversation! Again, as a thank you to my friends, family, and followers, click the text link above and use code MONIQUE to receive 20% off your first order with Mendi. Your brain health is well worth the investment!


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