Welcome to Cosmos Conditioning

Hello all, and welcome to Cosmos Conditioning! My name is Monique Garcia, and I created this space from my desire to deepen my knowledge and understanding of topics related to cognition, consciousness, and The Self. As a Human Factors Engineer, I am driven to understand specific processes that make systems as efficient and effective as possible for the human it’s being developed for. The level of science involved in my engineering endeavors leads me down a path of proven procedures that leave little room for creativity in bringing solutions for humans using the systems I develop. While I enjoy this line of work and how I help people, I crave to explore aspects of life beyond my profession.

Beyond my engineering career, I am passionate about spiritual and esoteric topics. This includes cognition, consciousness, and the incredible and decisive question I consistently ask myself: Who Am I? This has been a long-running theme in my life, but there was some level of skepticism for me. For example, as a child, I loved the idea of astrology and how it told me more about who I am, but if it ever felt inaccurate, I would start to question its validity. My logic would run me in another direction, and my curiosity would quickly fade. I often thought that if I couldn’t promptly prove it to myself with solid facts, then it didn’t make sense to believe it.

As I grew older and broadened my experience and knowledge of science and spirituality within my own life, I realized there are areas where they most certainly overlap. I had grown fonder of the understanding that science and spirituality can and do coexist. Yet, I had not considered talking about this publicly until recently. A part of me felt incomplete and inauthentic because of the dynamics and differences between science and spirituality. Science can sometimes feel like logic is required and the opposite of that, whereas spirituality feels like you should feel comfortable with the fact that you can’t always entirely make sense or have clear reasoning for why and how it works. I was constantly looking for the science of spirituality and the spirituality of science.

This is where Cosmos Conditioning was born: a desire to have a space for compassionate curiosity about science and spirituality. Join us while we explore various topics across cognition, consciousness, and beyond in this blog! I hope to educate and guide you through these topics in ways that are both authentic for me and deeply meaningful for you.

Again, welcome to Cosmos Conditioning, and I hope you will join me on my path to exploring the space where science and spirituality converge!

Cosmos Conditioning Moon

Defining Consciousness